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United States Continues To Lead World In Supercomputing -

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the world’s TOP500 Supercomputers were unveiled, and once again asserted U.S. supremacy in supercomputing. The Summit machine at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory again ranked first in the world, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Sierra machine ranked second. In total, four of the ten fastest computers belong to U.S. National Laboratories, with Los Alamos and Sandia Labs’ Trinity machine at 7th place and Lawrence Livermore’s Lassen machine at 10th place.

Secretary of Energy Rick Perry issued the following statement regarding today’s announcement:

“Today’s world supercomputer rankings once again confirms U.S. leadership in high-performance computing and scientific discovery. Led in large part by the extraordinary work of DOE’s National Laboratories, these astonishing capabilities hold enormous promise for our country, and will transform our science, boost our economy, and safeguard our national security.

High performance computing has become increasingly competitive internationally, with the growing recognition of supercomputers’ value as tools not only of national security, but also drivers of discovery and innovation.  I am pleased to have supported and championed US supercomputing prowess during my tenure as Secretary, and count our continuing leadership in this field one of the accomplishments of which I am most proud.”

To see a full list of the Top500 Supercomputers, please visit HERE[1].



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United States Continues To Lead World In Supercomputing - United States Continues To Lead World In Supercomputing - Reviewed by Medioblog on 3:54 PM Rating: 5

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